Overview: $425.00
For Girls 7th & 8th Grades
Students attend class one day per week for 6 weeks.
Classes are 1 hour and 15 minutes
6 Week Personal Development Program
Scroll below to register.
What We Cover
Increasing Self Confidence
Forming A Positive Self Image
Strengthening Family Bonds
Defining Principles & Boundaries
Identifying Greatest Strengths
"The Fitting In" of Friendship Circles
Creating Prosperous Relationships
Making Responsible Choices
Recognize Toxic Vs Healthy Relationships
Social Media Awareness
Cell Phone Etiquette
Prioritizing & Goal Setting
Cultivating Good Character
Nutrition & Healthy Living
What's Included?
Faith Girlz Bible
Be Unique Binder and color instruction handouts
All supplies
Completion Certificate
Beth Moore Book, So Long, Insecurity
Visual board and arts and craft supplies
Snacks and water
*Be Unique Membership benefits

Our 6 week personal development program is designed specifically to bring out the unique qualities that exist in your daughter and teach her ways to build on those qualities. Students attend classes one day per week for one hour and a half. Our interactive and fun classes create a self awareness in the care and keeping of our bodies, the importance of family bonds, ways to form prosperous relationships, and guidance in creating individual principles and boundaries.
Through our Inner Beauty program, students will feel an increase in self confidence, create a positive self image of who they are and gain an understanding of Gods plan for their life. We will discuss detailed issues on managing social media and the problems that exist with the advancement in technology. Our Health and Nutrition class will cover an array of topics for managing a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise routine and will include preparing a refreshing healthy recipe. Finally, it is our intent and goal that each student learn how to create a "personal GPS" that will assist them on their ideal pathway, and gain a positive and prosperous direction for her life.
In Completion
By the end of our first 6 week Inner Beauty Program, students are ready to move on to our second 8 week Outer Beauty course. Having identified the people and things most important to her, growing a knowledge of her natural gifts and talents and developed ways of keeping her body healthy, fit and strong she will now have the training and skills necessary in allowing her to protect the things most important to her "self". She will feel more confident within herself, secure in her environment and will have defined a direction for her life! Incredible!
Register Now!
8 spaces available in this class.
A $125.00 non refundable deposit is due upon registration to secure placement in class and a balance of $300 is due on the first day of attendance or $50/class paid each week.
A savings of $25.00 is honored for one payment of $400.00 due at registration.
Applicants are taken on a first come basis with dated form submission online. You will be contacted promptly upon your registration for payment and availability. A personal interview is required via phone or in person.
Schedule A Personal Interview Today!