Overview: $525.00
For Girls 5th & 6th Grades
Students attend class one day per week for 8 weeks.
Classes are for 1 hour 15 minutes.
Scroll below to register.
What We Cover
Integrity and good character
Making Healthy Choices
Leadership encouragement
Creating a positive direction
Body care
Growth cessation
Visual poise
Posture and walking
Social stances
Social Media awareness
Healthy Relationships
Cell Phone etiquette
Simple daytime make up
Wardrobe tips
Dining and table manners
The perfect Thank You note
Health and nutrition
What's Included
Faith Girlz Bible
Be Unique Binder and color instruction handouts
All supplies
Completion Certificate
Beth Moore Book, So Long, Insecurity
Visual board and arts and craft supplies
Snacks and water
*Be Unique Membership benefits

Register Now!
8 spaces available in this class.
A $125.00 non refundable deposit is due upon registration to secure placement in class and a balance of $400 is due on the first day of attendance or $50/class paid each week.
A savings of $25.00 is honored for one payment of $500.00 due at registration.
Applicants are taken on a first come basis with dated form submission online. You will be contacted promptly upon your registration for payment and availability. A personal interview is required via phone or in person.
Schedule A Personal Interview Today!